Monday, January 27, 2014

CE1: New York City’s progressive challenge to America

Mayor de Blasio wants to make a new challenge for a more "progressive" urban change and leadership in America. If the new mayor of New York City is successful, it will have an impact on how other big cities are led and changed. A "progressive" is defined as one who seeks reform, change, or improvement for the greater or good of all people. This could also be a teachable moment for others who seek political office. Basically, people should stand up for their principles and say what they believe is right.

In my opinion, this would be a great change for America. The new mayor of New York City has many great ideas that would be great for major cities. I think the progressive change will be a total success. This improvement would make the best of many cities. Citizens will look at things in a whole new perspective and the change will fit many people's needs to make everyone happy.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this blogpost. Trying to improve New York will better the people living their and could potentially form a chain reaction in the U.S.A.
