Thursday, March 6, 2014

CE4: 'Upskirt' ban passed by Massachusetts legislature after controversial ruling

The Massachusetts lawmakers approved a bill to ban those who secretly take 'upskirt' photographs of children or women in public. This bill came one day after the Supreme Court ruled that a man took out his cellphone, and took photos up the skirts of female passengers riding the Boston subway. They ruled that it wasn't violating state law because the women were clothed. Senate President Therese Murray believes this is a form of sexual harassment. Some Massachusetts residents were shocked by the final ruling, but others actually understood the legal gray area.
I believe that it is a good thing that this bill was passed. Women and children should have their rights protected. After the situation that happened, I'm glad to see that the lawmakers realize how some people are. Some men have no respect for women or even themselves and proceed in such actions. Massachusetts takes a stand, now all of the states should. Without given permission, women and children should not have their rights violated without the other person taking a consequence.

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